Partner Network


A core part of the Reviva mission is to develop a strong network of trusted partners with which we can create long-lasting, rewarding, referral-based relationships.

Are you a fitness trainer, a Pilates or yoga instructor, a life coach? Do you work in physical fitness or mental well being? We want to share Reviva with you, our partners, and when you bring your groups to Reviva you will earn commission.


Our partners hold the relationship with their groups, clients and communities. With this in mind our partners are in control of their pricing for each trip. A partner’s group will generate a total group revenue and a partner’s commission will be based on this amount.
As an illustration, based on:

Group of 20

Staying 7 nights

Including partner activities, led by you

Including all meals

At a cost of €1,500 per person

Generates you a commission of €2,400

Use our commission calculator below to estimate your potential partner commission.




Discuss with your group and Reviva to plan your trip



Market your trip, fully supported by Reviva



Enjoy your stay at Reviva



Receive your partner commission based on your total group revenue


Do you know how many spaces your trip will offer? Maybe you can bring a larger group with a co-partner? Do you know what price you’ll set per person? Use our handy calculator below to estimate your commission. If you’re not sure, get in touch and we can give you a demo.

(Example calculated for 7 nights)


We’re also keen to hear from industry participants who regularly produce online content. Do you have an online business and need a new location for filming content? Do you host live classes and would like to broaden your on-set backdrop? Reviva’s location and facilities can provide what you need.

If this sounds like something you’re interested in please get in touch to discuss how we could work together.

“To be successful, you have to have your heart in your business, and your business in your heart.”

– Thomas Watson, Sr., former CEO, IBM


At Reviva we are keen to develop a network of Associate Partners, who can introduce something extra to group trips, whether that be for an hour, an afternoon, in person or virtually.

Could you deliver a mental health awareness afternoon? An evening of astrology? Therapeutic massage throughout a group’s stay? Are you a nutritionist or NLP practitioner?

We’d love to hear from anyone who has skills and experiences to share with our groups, so please get in touch.

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